
Hi, I'm Shannon.

I am a wife, mother of 2 and teacher by trade but love to capture those perfect moments..... so I became a photographer of my own (children that is). While staying at home with my kiddos, I decided I would take on the project of learning my camera. After that, my project became photographing other families.. and now I absolutlely, wholeheartedly, LOVE what I do. :) I have been in business since January, 2012 & love my little job more & more every day.

I try my best to capture you or your family, simple and beautiful, just the way you are..

If you know me, you know that I love the simple things...
If you don't know me, let me tell you a little about what I believe...

*i believe if you can't say something nice, don't say 
    anything at all!
*i believe you should always model what you teach.
*i believe that butterflies make this world more beautiful.
*i believe that the pictures i take today will be a gift
    to my children in the future.
*i think everyone should only use lowercase letters..theyre cuter. i tend to write emails with no caps.
*i believe that happiness isn't always getting what you want, 
     but wanting what you have. 
*i believe that the best photographs, are the unplanned ones!
*i think everyone should get a "do over" button at least once.
*i believe i am one of the luckiest people in the world.
*i think mean people suck.
*i think children mean well, even when they are mean!
*i believe i have the best friends and family. Period.
*i think McDonald's diet coke is by far worth the drive..
*i believe that some of the best days are those spent
     with your kids in pj's.
*i think red and pink are the perfect color combination.
*i think vacumming and mopping is by far, the worst chore ever.

... followed by cooking.

and i wholeheartedly believe that life is what happens while you are busy making other plans-John Lennon

love, Shannon

Click here to tour my studio space!